If Republican Senators keep refusing to vote for more people voting and laws that strengthen election security, I'm gonna start thinking they're not really that into democracy anymore.
They're trying to sell that overdone pretentious thing that they've been selling since the Civil War, saying it's because States Have Rights too. They mean they have a 'heartfelt' belief that every state should get to take away voting rights from their designated villain group without the Federals telling them Voting Rights Matter.
I wanted a working, functional Senate, not the Three Stooges Go To Uranus. You're not fooling anyone with that old song-and-prance, you are supposed to show us respect and provide us good service. No matter your party, you are paid by us, The People of every party.
What? Somebody's paying you MORE??!! So you got voted in as a Senator and you decided to freelance as a mercenary, And someone's paying you to hijack 50 state voting systems to get fewer people to vote?
That, Senators, is not a good look.
What happened to that moronic claim that the election was stolen except it got rigged so you were voted in? You’ve been saying someone’s stuffing ballots that also gave you a win and that’s downright silly. Only the ticket top guy got voted out because most new voters found him to be a fluffed egocentric whiner who was bratty and rude and ultimately dangerous to our lives and the lives of our neighbors. Only the TO of the ballots were stolen? Uh-huh. R-i-i-i-ight.
Did you notice today that the defeated ex-president’s consigliere lost his license to practice law in New York? He used to be a bigshot mayor there before he became a mercenary. Buyer beware!
Also, now that you’re refusing to make voting easy and secure, what are you cooking up for Act 2? Who’s paying for that?
States’ Rights my ass. You’re creating laws and making appointments so you can steal the next elections. Every poll worker in America can tell you that voting is secure. You can fool some of the people for a bit. But you can’t fool the majority. You backed a Loser at the top of the ticket and you’re backing that loser still.
Soon the negative votes are gonna trickle down to you. You want your legacy to be ‘I Fucked With The Voters’? ‘I played them as fools’?
Swift move. Cool as a heat wave on a Texas power grid. And in the intermission between Acts, will you be the one selling popcorn coated in synthetic oil?
“That’s my least favorite song.”