Taking a needed break from the serious subjects du jour. Giving credit to the universe and the talented people in it to give my readers a bit of spiritual refreshment.
The embroidery art done in tree crevices by Ukraine artist Diana Yevtukh, who’s shown below. She’s on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/diana.yevtukh/
Chihuly studio at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Hummingbird on Sunflower by John Kolenburg
In Just-spring, by e.e. cummings
Let us not forget that the Russian people are not our enemies.
Inspired architexture
By Ukraine photographer and director Yevgeniy Repiashenko, who’s also on Instagram. He specializes in nude photography.
A pretty herb
Artist unknown
Via Baby Urban Wear (I’m not shilling for this company’s products, just harvesting an image and giving credit where due)
That first image is absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you.