The one in your head is your self-created demon, you have chosen to pursue the legacy of just another mindless plague. You and your fellow oily-garchs have made the choice to prey on the same human race that gave you birth and the beginning of light, to prey on the earth that sustains you and every one of us. This is the highest purpose you wish to ascend to? These are the aims of the low-motivated underachiever.
And yet, there are many wiser heads whose advice outlasts their lives.
And the thing is, we see you. You chose not to lead a private life so you keep exposing yourself. Don’t you have any better self in you? You choose to be a common carnival barker playing the rubes? Who can opt for mass murder without hesitancy or shame?
Hannah and Vaclev can even see you, today, from beyond the grave.
Already radioactive dust is being kicked up in the region of Chernobyl, jeopardizing the health of the soldiers you command. To you they are just as expendable as any Ukrainian. How do you reduce all humankind to mere carrion?
This is what gives your heart a stiffy? To sustain your role as just another Fraudfather of a corrupt mob, you steal the breath of infants and your loyalists with the depravity of equal indifference?
Your advisors are full of shit.
Take us all. Poison or shatter your critics into particles. We will multiply faster than you can keep up with. You set your path on ultimate futility with choices like these.
I make no pretense that the US has no crimes nor blood on the hands of its worst leaders. But no self respecting world leader should want to shrink to their stature. Leadership works uphill not down.
There is no superior race nor clan. Mass murder is not a path for leaders worth knowing. You can still reverse course. Nobody needs another shitty crime opera with Snidely Whiplash and Boris Badenov as your supporting cast.
These. Are. Real. People. Doing. Real. People. Things. Nobody. Was. Touching. Your. Stuff. You. Can’t. Just. Blow. Them. To. Smithereens.
Advisors on the Saner, Brighter Side of Life, OK?
PS: It’s easy, Vladimir. Don’t Kill. Trust us. It doesn’t work. It’s been done. Nobody liked the ending. Got any original material?
It's a shame Vladimir is not on your subscriber list. He might learn something.