Did somebody send in the clowns?
Yesterday, facing financial ruin from being sued by Sandy Hook school parents, Alex Jones filed for bankruptcy, hoping to protect his assets. And then he calmly released this.

It’s all good, amirite?
Houston, we have a problem here…
Nearly one third of people killed by US police since 2015 were running away, driving off or attempting to flee when the officer fatally shot or used lethal force against them, data reveals.
In the past seven years, police in America have killed more than 2,500 people who were fleeing, and those numbers have slightly increased in recent years, amounting to an average of roughly one killing a day of someone running or trying to escape, according to Mapping Police Violence, a research group that tracks lethal force cases.
In many cases, the encounters started as traffic stops, or there were no allegations of violence or serious crimes prompting police contact. Some people were shot in the back while running and others were passengers in fleeing cars.
More than 2,500 people in 7 years? Why that’s 357 per year, or nearly one per day for 7 years straight.
Despite a decades-long push to hold officers accountable for killing civilians, prosecution remains exceedingly rare, the data shows. Of the 2,500 people killed while fleeing since 2015, only 50 or 2% have resulted in criminal charges. The majority of those charges were either dismissed or resulted in acquittals. Only nine officers were convicted, representing 0.35% of cases.
2500 dead, all of them fleeing and just 9 police officers convicted. Apparently it’s not just the Uvalde police demonstrating cowardice. It’s lots of police, lots of judges and jurors too.
Read the whole story. After all the BLM marches, it hasn’t changed. Infuriating.
Another fake charge fully refuted. Wisconsin’s 2020 election results were perfectly clean.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin judge said Thursday that a Republican-ordered, taxpayer-funded investigation into the 2020 election found “absolutely no evidence of election fraud,” but did reveal contempt for the state’s open records law by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and a former state Supreme Court justice he hired.
Dane County Circuit Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn awarded about $98,000 in attorneys’ fees to the liberal watchdog group American Oversight, bringing an end in circuit court to one of four lawsuits the group filed. Vos’s attorney, Ron Stadler, said he was recommending that Vos appeal the ruling.
The fees will be paid by taxpayers, which is why the judge said she was not also awarding additional punitive damages against Vos. Costs to taxpayers for the investigation, including ongoing legal fees, have exceeded $1 million.
“I think the people of the state of Wisconsin have been punished enough for this case,” Bailey-Rihn said. “I don’t think it does anyone any good to have punitive damages placed on the innocent people of this state.
By the way, if it seems like I’ve been a tad edgy lately, there could be a reason for that…
It’s been a bit tough on the floral displays, too. But the succulents, at least, are totally down with it.
It completely changes my sleeping schedule as I try to get out to water at 6 am now. And we’re keeping our fingers crossed as August can sometimes be wildfire season.
(Last Tuesday night sunset from Friendly Street in Eugene, Oregon)
Lots of people have been mocking Josh Hawley for his performance on January 6, 2020, giving that raised fist of solidarity to the insurrectionists a few minutes before he was leaving skid marks in his flight from them.
Stephen Colbert added one of the better memes.
And yes, it’s true that Donald Trump had his first wife buried near the first tee of his Bedminster, New Jersey golf course.
Since 2014, he’s had that area designated as a family cemetery. Which just seems about par for the coarse.
From 1988: T-Bone Burnett played acoustic guitar and served as musical director. Male background vocalists, some of whom also joined in on guitar, electric organ and keyboards were Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, Jackson Browne, J.D. Souther and Steven Soles. The female background vocalists were k.d. lang, Jennifer Warnes, and Bonnie Raitt.