The smallest number of adult Americans in the past 26 years call themselves ‘pro-life’. Just 39%.
The pro-choice Americans are at 55%, a 27 year high. A year of extreme polarization broadened that divide after the DC court formerly known as supreme chose to ignore a half century of precedent by dismantling Roe v. Wade.
Legislators in many states followed that with efforts to punish anyone thinking about abortion. The doctors, nurses, pharmacists, friends providing rides and ultimately, the pregnant mothers have been targeted with fines and imprisonment.
Some state laws allow no exceptions. A woman or a girl raped by anyone would have to carry a fertilized egg for 9 months. A women whose life would be endangered by pregnancy would have no recourse but to to get sick and die in some cases. That runs counter to any human’s survival instinct and no state has any business robbing any woman of the right to survive.
And yet here we are. The toll is immediately visible as story after story has gone public of pregnant women forced to carry fetuses that will die shortly after birth or in utero. Even when the life of its host is in severe danger, healthcare workers now hesitate to take action out of fear that an abortion might be illegal because some state laws are so poorly written.
Some legislators are going further, like the Texas lawmaker who introduced a proposal to give a 10% tax break for every child born, so a woman who bears 10 kids will pay zero taxes. Other than the extreme taxation on her health and well being.
The extremism driving these policies is going to push the pro-choice numbers to new record highs by 2024. Because its now clearer than ever that women are under attack along with girls.
Since November 1, 2022 there’s been at least 92 convictions (in 127 days) of clergy or Sunday school teachers for sex crimes against minors in this country. Online social media sites that draw violent extremist men – like Twitter – are awash with complaints from young men who aren’t getting laid harassing or criticizing all women for their ‘failure’ to pleasure them. Some young involuntarily celibate (incel) men have taken out their frustration with guns, in mass shootings.
And the lack of any meaningful legislative response to mass school shootings by Republicans demonstrates the lie that any of these thefts of rights from women has anything to do with concern for the lives, health or safety of children.
It’s all about control. And America’s courts are soon going to be awash in so many lawsuits initiated by women that all Americans will lose their rights to a speedy trial (which will absolutely thrill the for-profit private prison industry). Five women just filed lawsuits against Texas’ abortion ban.
In April, the strange ex-president will go to trial for defaming one of the women he’s sexually assaulted. In his deposition he claimed the woman had said she enjoyed being raped.
And that’s just the exhibition games of the gory seasons ahead.
The attacks – physical and legal – on trans people and drag queens – are escalating to proposals that amount to cultural genocide and teeter close to eliminationism. With the laws in place in some states, Jesus Christ could be jailed for being in a public place with children around, if his fashion tastes included pink robes.
That’s only hyperbole because the guy hasn’t taken a breath in a couple of thousand years. Trans people and drag queens will be forced to stay home or forced to meet the new dress codes of employers, schools and society. Should a man walk out in public dressed in clothing commonly worn by women, he could be subject to arrest.
How many sex crimes against children are you aware of by drag queens in the past 127 days? Or ever?
Former Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev famously stated “Politicians are the same all over, promising to build a bridge where there is no river.”
There is no river of kids endangered by drag queens or cross dressers but the Republican Party in America will isolate and punish them. They’re closing in fast on killing them.
And why? What is spawning such hate and violence? I refer you to essential reading on the topic:
Read: The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic
So from 1919 to 1933, the world’s first clinic operated till Hitler’s Nazis brought an end to it, followed by the extermination of LGBTQ people along with Jews, Gypsies and others. Still, some of the science, history and research from that clinic remain. (Again, I encourage you to read it. At the end of that Scientific American article are links to other transgender articles, as well)
Today, myths about transgender and LGBQ people are on the rise, along with deliberate lies, political propaganda and extensive bullying of non-heterosexual people.
The novelist Joyce Carol Oates raised some important points last weekend:
Multiple studies done indicate that for transgender people who opt for surgery, an average of 99% remain satisfied with the decision and the outcomes. And even the majority of those who express regret don’t want to see that option taken away for others. Other treatments, like puberty blockers and hormone therapy, are regularly used to treat other problems like endometriosis in heterosexual patients. So any potential side effects are well known and monitored.
Whether it’s pregnant women, trans people or LGBQ people, the GOP has grown obsessive about what people do with their sex organs. Yet from liposuction to facelifts to tummy tucks, butt lifts, double mastectomies, knee replacements, organ transplants, breast implants and more, there’s no concerns expressed at all - at any patient age.
But GOP leaders have learned how to create unreasonable fears and sometimes inject a religious angle into their warnings. Instead of offering useful programs that can benefit constituents, fear, scapegoating Democrats with unprovable allegations, and dividing the country into us vs. multiple ‘thems’ is all they have.
Winning the next election and controlling every group of people they can to achieve that is their only goal. But as I noted at the beginning, the number of voters calling themselves ‘pro-choice’ has spiralled upward quickly in the past year and their over-reach is going to backfire with a decisive defeat in 2024.
And after that, maybe finally, we can get the ERA officially passed so women can finally gain every right that men have.
(Next newsletter coming soon, with a special message)
Many thanks, man: I was gettin' worried about you...
My son’s spouse, after years of therapy, came out as a trans man in the last couple of years. He’s not doing hormones or surgery: and his abusive father, a man I would like to kick for his years of abuse of Kit, is the only family member giving him grief.
A couple of my siblings are being dicks about it as well, out of “religious conviction.”
I see the difference in how he now functions: years of therapy to go, but his transition is of an apparent benefit for him.
SO: the left didn’t make this an issue, the Right did: I’ve been trying to warn folks that this was an issue the GOP would ride, after the events locally in '15-'16.
I always knew I was bisexual: told my future wife I thought I was (having never done anything sexual with another guy), and she was cool with it. As a cis gay man, I’ll admit a certain visceral dislike of the concept of changing gender (I’d read Greer’s The Female Eunuch) until i got to know some intersex/trans people.
I never thought drag sexy, but appreciated it as performance, and comic exaggeration as art… (I feel better about drag performance than “Pro Wrestling”, which is sort of a summation of male pathologies as performance…)
Very good article, Kevin. Keep up the good work!