I live in Eugene, Oregon. Sunday it’s supposed to reach 110 degrees here. 113 in Portland. I’ve lived in several states and have traveled through 49 of them. Once, I was in Phoenix in August and experienced 110 degrees. Once. In my 20s, more than 40 years ago. Never have I experienced more than 106 degrees anywhere else.
This is well beyond the norm for August here, never mind for June. I sure hope our electrical grid holds up under the huge AC demand. I hope no arsonists get any ideas as temps like that could create firestorms that’d take weeks to subside.
Here’s what Accuweather predicts for the entire Pacific NW this weekend, from BC to Redding, CA.
The sole place where there’ll be some relief is right at the coast. I bet Friday night and Saturday traffic to the coast will be bumper to bumper. I’d only head that way really early, before dawn.
I hope the Olympic track & field trials going on here will get cancelled and rescheduled before an athlete dies.
Elsewhere in northern climes, Moscow, Russia could see a record high for the past 120 years since forecasting began there.
Hydrate heavily if you’re anywhere near, folks. It might be time to sit in a bathtub or shower during the worst of it, especially if any blackouts occur.
Are we gonna do anything about global warming yet? Pretty doubtful when a third of the adults in this country think learning the history of racism in this country poses the greatest threat to life on earth since a meteor killed off the dinosaurs before humans existed.
Take every precaution and be prepared for emergencies, especially from Friday through Monday, if you’re in the furnace zone. And check on your neighbors, especially any who are elderly or ill. This is not gonna be fun.
Seattle: Sun: 101 Mon: 107
Here's what I see on Weatherunderground:
Seattle: Sun: 101 Mon:104
Portland: Sat: 107 Sun: 113 Mon:107