Real life issues are a bit of a challenge this week, so I’m a bit behind on the newsletter front. You may get more than one a day as I bring this hectic week to a close.
My next door neighbor damaged her meniscus, got it surgically repaired then headed out for a week to visit her mother, so I had to assume lots of extra watering and mowing and playing-with-Harley-the-dog duties. And one of my two best friends moved which I’ve been helping with, including all the prep work needed to sell his house. Which looks like it may happen this weekend.
Which doesn’t mean I’m any less committed to my readers. It just means a slight adjustment in my schedule. Real life has done that a lot this last year and it’s likely done that for you, as well, what with covid and all and a batshit crazy ex president and his flying monkeys legal team.
And the hate-filled insurrectionists.
And Marjorie Taylor What-Fresh-Hell-Is-This
And the odd entertainment decisions made by billionaire owners of sporting and athletic events. Last year’s baseball season was very short and they filled the stands with cardboard cutouts and fake audience noises. Covid has rearranged the scheduled games numerous times, putting undue burdens on a few teams suddenly forced to endure multiple doubleheaders with overtaxed arms.
And the Olympics begins today in undervaccinated Japan with almost no audiences. One world class runner was excluded for smoking a little cannabis after getting the news the woman who gave birth to her had died, which is not a performance enhancing drug. Other women athletes wih babies were initially told they couldn’t bring their breast-fed babies to the competition and after the backlash, the Japanese backed off a little, but some of those Moms decided to leave the babies home as the rules remained too restrictive. I mean, how much covid spread is being caused by fraternizing babies?
And then there’s this kind of nonsense, submitting women and their rights to rules like this?
Some Olympians who endured past abuses at the games have begun to respond in admirable ways.
There’s also not a lot of parallels to a pandemic or a suddenly resurrected pandemic, filled with politicians who were elected to represent us but have chosen to set new world records in the sycophantic ass-kissing of a delusional used-QAnon-salesman instead.
Yes, it’s good that we’re finally taking baby steps to right old wrongs, in spite of the caterwauling that comes when we do so.
There’s lots of remedial action necessary to right a lot of institutional wrongs that go well beyond racial injustice too.
I’m just betting your schedules and perceptions have been rearranged a lot in the past two years, as well.
So please bear with me. Without any bear spray. Because I have rights, yanno, like the right to bear arms in grocery stores to protect my democracy from people with eleven items getting in the ten-items-or-less line.