Banished to the outer reaches of Goldtoilettia, the forlorn ex-king was abusing the help and kicking the concubines again.
”I will not be outdone!” he screamed at the Ukrainian chambermaid stripping the sweat stained linens. She nodded in agreement. Her visa depended on this guy.
The ex-queen, unseen for over 6 months, had overwintered at her winter home in Minsk, and was overdue in her return. She no longer took the King’s calls which bothered him not as his fixer, Rudy, had secured the services of an entire stable of Tajikistani dominatrixes who peed with the force of horses. >snip<
Okay, okay, my imagination ran away a bit there, sorry. Note, too, that the rest is pure conjecture. I make no allegations nor claim possession of any evidence. My imagination simply decided that this fictional account will have to suffice today.
The reality is, the ex prez is trapped like the rat he is. His CFO has the goods on every itemization of his fraudulent business practices and his multiple resignations are too late to spare any of the legal consequences. The setup has always been arrayed to provide the ex-prez some degree of plausible deniability of the shady corporate doings. Unlike his incompetent Stream of Consiglieres, his CFO structured things so the Trump org will be liable for most of the penalties of the ample frauds. Weisselberg has no need to flip on his boss. He may actually get some prison time, but he’s been amply rewarded for his silence. Besides, he knows what’s coming next.
August 13th.
That date’s been floated repeatedly as the day Trump will re-assume the office of the presidency. It’s the date Trump is counting on his rubes to arise and avenge his stinging loss, only the second president not re-elected in the past 36 years. Only the second Republican president to take that hit since Herbert Hoover was dumped in the wake of the Great Depression 88 years ago.
Trump considers himself a master at shouting ‘Squirrel!’ to deflect attention from fresh scandals. It makes me wonder what bad news is coming that Trump’s aware of. Something is likely to come by August 12th or 13th, possibly fresh indictments. Just as he encouraged the attack on January 16th - carefully choosing the word ‘peaceful’ to deflect the charge that he promoted the violence - he once again needs his waterboys and handmaidens to arise and help him force his way back into office. Or at least continue to rally his supporters to his greater cause of saving his own ass from prosecuters.
Whatever he’s anticipating, he’s very aware that he can stave off the consequences for many months or years. Now the goal is to continue to make the claim that every bit of the prosecution is a political act and polarize the country further. The ultimate end game is a court appeal that a fair trial is impossible because no unbiased juror is left to judge him from a point of neutrality. He’s counting on his Supreme Court lackeys to rule in his favor eventually.
It’s why he’ll continue criticizing Kavanaugh now, to whip him back into the line of subservience. And maxxing out the polarization is the only way left that can sustain such a SCOTUS outcome.
He has no Jerry Ford to pardon him as Pence lacks that power. His fate, ultimately, rests in the hands of 6 SCOTUS justices. Will he succeed? Maybe.
He knows the thick-skinned judges like Alito and Thomas won’t blink an eye as they grant his wish. He can count on Barrett’s vote, too. He absolutely needs Kavanaugh in line because he’s not sure if Roberts and Gorsuch will be there for him. He just needs one of the pair, plus Kavanaugh, to seal his win of the appeal in 2022 or 2023.
But he also has to keep the country sharply divided to keep the squeeze on the SCOTUS. Bully for us. (sigh)
I remain skeptical about any success should some of his rubes resort to violence on August 13th. He’s not going to be restored to power. I expect the FBI and many governors will be ready to counter the extremists that day. But I can’t be sure of how many Trump supporters will show up where. I suspect that many will look at the blowback that’s hit the participants in the January 6th violence and that’ll keep many of the most violent away from the August 13th events.
That’s a Friday. I’m far more interested in what will happen on the weekend of the 14th and 15th. It's my wish that the majority of my fellow citizens will show up for that, to say ‘Enough is enough’ and ‘Go away’.
So that’s it. My entire conjecture in a nutshell: bad news for Trump is a month away. He’ll spend this month drumming up support for mutiple pro-Trump rallies to quickly follow or precede that bad news. Nothing will be decided then, as that’s not his aim. But he desperately needs to hang on to every last supporter he’s ever had to ever stand a chance in a future SCOTUS appeal.
Yet once again, he’s overlooked one critical detail, the one that did him in last November: covid. If the governors in the undervaccinated heavily Republican states can’t get covid rises tamped down in the next 30 days, he’ll likely fail in his quest to get many to show up.
But my bigger fear remains. There may be a McVeigh or three out there, capable of blowing people up. That won’t help Trump at all and will weaken him further, but logical appeals to violent cultists has never been an effective deterrent.
On the 13th, I encourage everyone to just stay home. That day could prove uglier than many suspect if just one or two crazies create a new national tragedy.
That’s the whole point of today’s newsletter, to warn my readers to keep out of the line of fire on August 13th.
There’ll be plenty of time after, to deal with this shallow, evil mockery of a strong man. Any violence done in his name only seals his fate. He may never be ranked as the worst president in US history but he’s clearly the dumbest one. Carney acts have a short shelf life. In election results, he’s been steadily losing since the 2018 midterms.
He will not be king again and on his current trajectory, he won’t be a kingmaker either. It’s now pretty much up to Eric and Ivanka to try and save as much as they can of his crumbling business empire. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAh…….
I really don’t care, do you?
Care about sparing the lives of others instead, from covid and violent cultists. Their sequel sucks.
I don’t think a better video exists than this one for this moment.