Heard a few loud sounds in the night. Sounded like choking but it was brief.
Yesterday morning, my roommate appeared, said he was congested, didn’t sleep much. Asked me to get cough medicine.
I woke up with a brand new pain in my other leg. You know how it feels when you bump into a sharp corner on a table? That.
Except I’d hit no table and this was on the inside of my thigh. And was that a lump?
Asked my roommate for added details. Went to the pharmacy for cough syrup and also brought home a covid test. Damn it. Positive. After a phone call to my pharmacy and PCP, headed out to Urgent Care for better tests.
It may be Tuesday till those results are in. But they also repeated the 15 minute test. Roomie still positive. I was negative, for now.
His pharmacy didn’t carry the meds. Went to another pharmacy. Then back home to get his medical cards. Brought him dinner, too.
Finally after all was set - meds, food, contacting people that needed to also home test - I got to head to the ER to get an ultrasound on my leg. After intake in a crowded ER, I asked how soon I’d be seen. The nurse said ‘4 to 5 hours’.
I used the men’s room. Sanitized my hands. And left.
I couldn’t leave my roomie alone that long. And if I was carrying covid, I didn’t want to expose 40 or 50 sick folks in that ER to that. I went home. trying to put my leg out of mind. “It’s not a blood clot,” I told myself, “I’ll be fine.”
Kept the mask on till bedtime. Read lots of news. Assured my roomie he’d be fine, we’ve each had four shots. Told him the meds were the ones that come with a chance of a covid rebound but in 5 days to two weeks, we could resume normal living.
A long day. We’re good. Had to cancel our Saturday BBQ though.
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I don’t know how you do it. You have to take care of yourself, too. Hope your Roomie feels better soon.
Damn. Get well soon, Kevin.