With so much to consider due to the acts of the Serial Killer Putin, it becomes difficult to condense all the weights upon our collective shoulders.
A maternity hospital bombed by Russian forces. The photos of a family murdered by a Russian mortar attack (Warning: link will display the family dead in the street, but there’s much more in the story). A world held hostage by the Serial Killer Putin’s nuclear threat. Negotiated agreements to provide humanitarian avenues that the Serial Killer Putin repeatedly breaks. What can governments do? What can we, the people, do?
Yesterday was International Women’s Day which reminds us to stop overlooking women’s talents, courage and leadership, which too many people still do. How many serial killer women are you aware of? Two or three in the past thousand years? I think putting more women in government positions makes more logical sense. Some may prove ineffective, some may be corrupt. But the corruption and incompetence of men in government positions is useful perspective; it far exceeds what we’ve observed from women’s wrongdoings.
Take a look at Kiev. Now take a longer look at that capital city. Will it all be turned to rubble because of the Serial Killer Putin?
Despite the obvious aversion to claims of ‘bothsiderism’ (that Russia is no different in its actions than the US has been in the past two decades), it can certainly be said that it is occasionally true. The basis for neocon-led invasions of Iraq arose from the philosophy that ‘what’s the point of being a superpower nation if we don’t utilize that power to achieve desired ends?’ We had a moral right and strategic interest to go into Afghanistan to eliminate Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, though the long occupation and puppet government we helped install proved counterproductive. We should have left once Bin Laden was killed. There’s hundreds of years of history lessons about the futility of long occupations in Afghanistan.
Putin’s actions indicate he shares neocon philosophy. Russia’s military strength is dependent on the facts that it possesses the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet and it’s convinced several European nations to be overly dependent on Russian gas and oil.
The neocon Iraq policies killed half a million people there in 9 years, along with at least 4431 US troops. And while noteworthy war crimes were committed by the US and Iraq - like torture, the use of prohibited weapons and long periods of detention without convictions that continue for some even now - no evidence emerged of the US shooting civilians after offering a humanitarian ceasefire or the shelling of multiple medical facilities. At the rate that Russian troops are dying, the Serial Killer Putin - at current levels - would lose more than 12,000 Russian troops in one year.
So certainly we should be reminding his troops how indifferent their leader is to their lives. Most of the world considers his claims that the Ukrainian government is filled with Nazis to be patently ludicrous. Along with the claim that Ukraine was posing any visible threat to Russia. Any country facing a military power with far greater naval and air war capacity, like Ukraine does, simply wouldn’t take aggressive actions like that.
War propaganda is common to all, but some propaganda goes well beyond any common sense of reality. There are distinct differences in ‘both’ sides still.
Beyond that, it’s notable that all wars involve torture on both sides as well as otherthings deemed illegal. It’s why I maintain that the aggressor in every war is committing a crime against humanity by starting the war.
Also, the most obvious defense against bothsiderism is one most elementary schoolkids grasp easily: two wrongs don’t make a right.
And back to the immediate war underway, there just are no easy answers to stopping that beyond pushing Russian soldiers to defect. We certainly can’t rely on compromised and questionable allies or questionable ‘neutrals’.
Our current elected government is being undermined by the collusion going on with oil prices that’s driving a major portion of the current inflation. The US and the EU simply have to break their oil dependency on such brutal killers as the Saudi Prince as there is no moral argument that can ever favor the live hatcheting of opponents and critics. And it’s hard to make a tactical argument favoring any country trying to tip the scales in US elections, which Saudi Arabia is now clearly doing.
As for the nuclear threat? We mostly have to ignore that and actively resist the actions of the Serial Killer Putin. Yes, Armageddon is likely if Putin follows through on that, which is why it’s unlikely he’ll do so.
I think a rock group can add additional perspective: we have to show real courage and resist.
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