On the Colorado drag show murders.

Suddenly across the country drag shows and drag queens are being targeted as if they have suddenly become threats to our national security. There’s no coincidence in this. It’s a deliberate political strategy and a deadly one.
Cross dressing, dressing in drag, wearing a kilt, transvestites, and transitioning people pose no threat. They only threaten the shrinking minority afflicted with male insecurities.
I know you are but what am I?
Jack White, of the White Stripes, on Instagram Monday:
“So you gave trump his twitter platform back. Absolutely disgusting, Elon. That is officially an asshole move.
Why dont you be truthful? Tell it like it is; people like you and Joe Rogan (who gives platforms to liars like alex jones etc.); you come into a ton of money, see the tax bill, despise paying your fair share, and then think moving to Texas and supporting whatever republican you can is going to help you keep more of your
money. (How else could trump possibly interest you?)
You intend to give platforms to known liars and wash your hands like pontius pilate and claim no responsibility? trump was removed from twitter because he incited violence multiple times, people died and were injured as a result of his lies and his ego, (let alone what his coup did to attempt to destroy democracy and our Capitol).And how about the division and the families broken apart from his rhetoric and what it did to this country?
That’s not “free speech” or “what the poll decided” or whatever nonsense you’re claiming it to be; this is straight up you trying to help a fascist have a platform so you can eventually get your tax breaks.I mean, how many more billions do you need that you have to risk democracy itself to obtain it?
You did a lot of amazing things with Tesla, Elon, and you deserve a lot of compliments in that department (i personally supported the hell out of that venture), but you've gone too far and are now using your power to promote horrible, violence inducing liars, who are taking the country and the world backwards and endangering the democracy that made you rich and successful in the first place.I am a believer in free speech, but for example i’m not about to let the KKK hold a rally at our record label's performance stage. That’s one of the platforms we control and have a say in, it’s not town square operated by the government. And if i owned a gas station, i wouldn’t be selling the KKK gasoline to burn crosses either and then wash my hands as if i didn’t help facilitate hatred.
You took on a big responsibility with your purchase, and “free speech” isn’t some umbrella that protects you from that.
Oregon’s outgoing governor clears the records of about 45,000 people for minor cannabis convictions. The numbers show how bad the laws have been by locking up people for victimless crimes in a state with a long record of liberal responses to cannabis users. Imagine the damage done to hundreds of thousands of lives in more conservative states.
At the World Cup, a courageous sign of resistance to government brutality:
Iran's team members stood in a line, with arms around one another wearing no expressions, as their anthem played before the World Cup game against England.
While the Iranian team has sung its anthem in previous tournaments, including the World Cup in 2018 and the Asian Cup in 2020, the players remained silent Monday as a number of Iranian fans inside the stadium booed and held signs that read "Women, life and freedom."
The team and fans appeared to convey their support for protesters in Iran over the September death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in police custody for not wearing a hijab correctly.
Since Amini's death more than 450 people, including children, have been killed. Human rights groups said there were reports 11 people were killed in Mahabad, as recently as Saturday and Sunday, as military equipment patrolled the streets.