Deep-Fried Madness Flakes - There’s dozens of takes on the trial of the Coward Trump. Nearly universal is the prediction that the Senate won’t convict him. While acknowledging the GOPenis has a piquant coterie seasoned with Greene Marjoramalamadingdong, we provide a sweet array of stuff fried to perfection in coconut oil. Enjoy well-aged wutdafux, gubmintsux, bunchacucks and free range yoozhullshmucks with a zesty nancywins dipping sauce. $5
Pandemica - The scientists in Wuhan delivered a preliminary verdict today. They consider it highly unlikely to have originated in or spread from a Chinese lab. They are considering a possibility that it was spread from frozen foods because the virus doesn’t die when frozen. Recent mini-outbreaks in China have given rise to that theory by Chinese scientists. The WHO scintists have still not determined the original source or how it originally spread. No one has. We provide half a cup of cheap brandy and a butane torh to light it with. Let the lesser cafes serve intangibles and maybes. At the Crunchiness Courtyard we remain adamant in our belief that the only answer is to burn the virus with fire.
The history professor, Heather Cox Richardson, remains the lone holdout, uncertain if the trial will acquit the weak ex-president. The mainstream press has largely reverted to its fallback position that this is a judgment of the Democratic Party, not the party that provoked the violence and caused the casualties. Illogical laziness typifies most of the mainstream press in this matter.
My count suggests there’ll be a minimum of 54 votes to convict and a maximum of 62. I fully expect the outcome to be one that several Republican Senators will live to regret. It is on them, not the Dems.
56% of the country wants Trump convicted, 13% more than the 43% opposed and 58% want to see him banned from holding any elective office. In 2018 and 2020, the public tide has steadily turned against the ex-president and millions of Republicans have already abandoned him in the three months since the election.
Most Republican Senators don’t care what the national polling shows or whether Trump is guilty. They’ll base their decision on whether it will help their chances of getting re-elected. In deeply red states, they’ll vote to acquit. In swing states, the Republican Senators have the more difficult task of checking state polls and guessing which way the wind blows before making their decision. This is not leadership. This is what followers do: go for a weak win because winning is everything.
That’s the third leg of Republican principles. Cutting taxes for the wealthy and powerful and cutting regulations for the wealthy and powerful are the other two legs.
There’s no commitment to justice, no moral core, no adherence to anything beyond job security. Most are betting that convicting the criminal Trump will cause Trump blowback that will cost them their jobs. Your jobs don’t matter. Only their jobs do.
They’re afraid of Trump. He’s their Old Testes-spent god.
Via Chico Harlan of WaPo yesterday:
”ROME — Pope Francis on Monday offered a grim assessment of humanity’s response to the pandemic in a lengthy speech that highlighted aspects big and small from a year of isolation and “despair.”
He talked about domestic violence in homes under pandemic lockdown. He emphasized the job losses predominantly among off-the-books workers, with no safety net on which to rely. He described a generation of children, alone and in front of their computers, enduring the “educational catastrophe” of school shutdowns or distance learning.
The world, Francis said, “is seriously ill.”
“Not only as a result of the virus,” the pope continued, “but also in its natural environment, its economic and political processes, and even more in its human relationships.” “
”“The pandemic shed light on the risks and consequences inherent in a way of life dominated by selfishness and a culture of waste, and it set before us a choice: either to continue on the road we have followed until now, or to set out on a new path,” Francis said.”
Between his Twitter ban and the trial, the criminal Trump has decided the best course is to send his proxies out to remind the Senators that disloyalty means he’ll take them out. That’s why Matt Gaetz went to Wyoming to threaten Liz Cheney’s job security. It’s how all mob bosses work. Republican Senators don’t care what Pope Francis thinks.
Trump’s lawyers will provide some cover by presenting the myth that the proceedings are unconstitutional though Constitutional scholars have destroyed that claim. They’ll follow with Bothsiderisms, demonstrating that Dems have used harsh rhetoric and made election challenges too. But there’s a key difference there, too. The criminal on trial has been disputing this election since September, two months prior to the election, because he knew he was going to lose. That’s a 5 month effort to reject the will of the voters and the calls for violence has no comparative at all.
But the same old justice standard applies: justice is only for the little people. Utah Senator Mitt Romney believes Trump has to be held accountable. Utah Senator Mike Lee said “Everyone makes mistakes” and everyone deserves “a mulligan”. Except by ‘everyone’ he means the Coward Trump, which is why he chose golf language. It’s the preferred language of his boss.
And after they acquit Trump, will they broaden the umbrella to win more voters so they don’t have to appeal to that 10% of pro-violence voters in their base? Not a chance.
As Judd Legum points out in his Popular Information newsletter, they’ll find a way to block moderate and liberal voters from voting instead:
”Yes, Joe Biden won the popular vote by more than seven million votes and enjoyed a relatively comfortable 306 to 232 victory in the Electoral College. But those margins obscure just how few votes determined the winner.
Biden won three critical states by a combined margin of 43,560 votes — Arizona (10,457 votes), Georgia (12,636 votes), Wisconsin (20,467 votes). Those three states account for 37 electoral votes. If Trump had won those states, the election would have ended in a tie, 269 to 269. (The House would then determine the winner, with each state delegation getting one vote. Republicans hold a narrow majority of state delegations. So Trump would likely have won a second term.)
Trump and his allies attempted to overturn the results of the election through baseless allegations of fraud, lawsuits, and a last-ditch attempt to throw out the results of the Electoral College. Those efforts failed. But now, Republicans are looking to gain a decisive edge in future elections by making it more difficult to vote.
A new report by the Brennan Center for Justice, released on Monday, reveals that legislators in 33 states have introduced 165 bills to restrict voting rights. This is not typical. At this time last year, just 35 bills to restrict voting had been introduced. Many of this year's bills are rooted in the same lies Trump used to claim the election was stolen — and sponsored by the state officials who backed Trump's efforts to reverse the results of the election.” [I added the boldface]
So that’s the game plan. It will fail.
The public will be treated to a steady diet of prosecutions of the rioters for months to come. Roger Stone will be found guilty again for his efforts to thwart the will of voters. In 2016, he used Assange. In 2020-21 he’s used the same violent hate groups that conspired to overturn the election with a violent coup. And this time, Trump can’t save him.
Nancy Pelosi guided the House to impeach the Coward Trump, well aware the GOP Senators could rebuff it. She’s also aware that doing so leaves Republicans at greater risk of voter justice than they’d face if they convicted Trump.
The GOP is locked in a civil war between its Tea Party/Q-Anon wing and its Chamber Of Commerce/Establishment wing. They haven’t been this divided in over 80 years. The Establishment wng wants to get the trial over quickly so they can block Biden’s relief package and block everything else he wants to do. And disenfranchise voters state by state.
The GOP can only win by cheating, no matter who gets killed. And soon they’ll claim they support police everywhere. Except the police injured and killed by the criminal Trump’s mob.
Trump won’t run for president at age 78 in 2024. The elected Republicans fear his shadow. It’s weak, unprincipled, cowardly. They’ve lost major parts of their funding base. Sheldon Adelson died. The NRA is bankrupt due to their criminal actions. And Microsoft just joined other corporations refusing to fund the election-deniers for the next two years.
They didn’t make America greater. They made their own party weaker. They betrayed Republican voters, the ones that vote with honest intent. Their last remaining weapon is cheating.
I hope more in the mainstream media start reporting the real story here: the GOP is on trial. Their criminal cohorts are on trial. Before the year is over, Biden’s policies and precision will have covid defeated. A month from now, Biden will have provided more paycheck relief in less than 2 months than the GOP provided in 9.
This is the new reality. It’s not going to be decided on the size of the audience tuning in to the trial. Trump will prove again to fail at his next political venture, just as he’s failed at everything he did in office except the tax cut.
Please try one or more of our PeachMint specials. They’re on the house because you’re special. Trump isn’t. WE have important work to do to filter out the weaknesses the weak Trump left us with. Ignore the weak performance art the GOP Senators will practice this week. Bon Appetit!
You’re welcome to leave comments. We need to talk.