The young elected Dems across the land must become a Point-and-Laugh/Point-and-Cry chorus that speaks out at every assault on democracy and good citizenship so that their narrative overtakes the cacophany of the locust horde that's going to be fully in charge. Their is no alternative to their noise other than better noise, music that includes the "word of the day." And the energy and will lie with the young.

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I've been thinking about what it was like in the years between 1963-68 when the idealistic dream of a young president (and those who took inspiration from him) was crushed by violence and the country turned to the hated "law and order candidate" Richard Nixon. Not sure where I'm going with that, but this feels similar.

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Very much so. From 1960-67 was mostly about hope and ideals and improvement, except for the assassinations, the awful events in the Civil Rights struggles, the war and its divisions, Nixon and Kissinger.

By 1969, most of the ideals had been replaced by harsh realities.

Trump is merely a very old, very incompetent extension of his predecessors in the GOP. It's the SCOTUS and the silicone tech world nouveau rich that's new.

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Oh, boy, I lament our neighbour to the south...all my love to you.

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We'll overcome these uncertain times and be a safer neighbor for you northern north Americans.

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