I just hope that all those parents who aren't providing sufficient consequences in response to their kids' behavior are more demanding of their adult candidates and leaders. If they fail to anticipate the authoritarianism borne of inaction and remain passive and relentlessly grieving their own failure to advance and participate in solutions, then the consequences will become permanent and irreversible. The clarions are calling. Give 'em a listen and answer the call.

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From your lips to voters' ears, Judith. Rachel Maddow also notes that beyond the call to action, the media - which includes everyone on social media - should avoid parroting the ex-President's outrageous words and focus on describing what authoritarians like him can be expected to do and where it inevitably leads.

It's why I dislike the repetitious way that Twitter works as mass repetition is the tool of propagandists and just because a lie trends, that never makes it true.

Our focus needs to be on convincing people to get registered to vote, checking to see their registration is active and describing what to expect from authoritarians like the Saudis, Bolsonaro, Putin, Xi Jinping, Modi, Kim Jong Un and Trump. Their deadly brotherhood will lead the world to more horror as certainly as authoritarian nationalists led the world to global wars and holocausts before.


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