How do you hold such big thoughts? Mine dribble out in evaporative puddles these days. Saving up for Finnegans Woke, maybe. Stand back and stand by. Hearing that god damned voice in my head just now make my blood broil and my brain bake. Or is it the other way around. I suck at correct cleeshaying. May this week matter.

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Actually the flood of important info sometimes limits my capacity to choose what to write about.So I let it brew while I ponder, gathering more info. So I''m often in that head space you mention. There is no RX to regain control that I can depend on besides waiting or gathering fresh info.

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Either way I gunna hafta tell Jesus, dadgummit. Felipe and Manny too. It is a just cause. You know why? Just cause. (cough) And another thing!

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