Sitemap - 2022 - Streams of Crunchiness

Thanks for this Family, now and then ~ part 2

Thanks for this Family, now and then ~ part 1

A bit of news plus a huge amount of thanks

Freeze Peach for 'E' but not for Thee

Be on the lookout for these dangerous gang members (Part Three ~ Finis)

Be on the lookout for these dangerous gang members (Part Two)

Be on the lookout for these dangerous gang members (Part One)

The ongoing effort to steal the 2020 election keeps leaking details

Ya better get ready cuz ch-ch-changes are coming

This is America, they say

Did you get your newsletter today?

Midterms complete, so on with the holidays!

Losering Loser Loses Again

Boss Twit, Domestic Terrorism, Anti-Everyoneism, and A New Scandal?

Is War Necessary? Is the Constitution?

It's time for the Mainstream Media to regain its standing as the Fourth Estate

A bit from the personal side…

Vacation is over, and..... some recap

Holiday Tips & Reasons to be Thankful

When will hate reach extinction?

Weekly Tweetly Highlights and More

Last one for this Sunday, wherein the Siege on Melon Husk is endless

Some random entertainment, a summary and a few days of respite

Gracias, merci and thx for your service

An election update and a much bigger question remains

Women, especially, defeated the forces of darkness and dumbness

Election Day pales in Significance against Court Packing Day

Stunning reports, flawed news media, flawed messaging and a very informative interview

There's A Crack In The Universe Where The Light's About To Flood In

Trumpty Dumpty Hasn't Had A Great Fall

Sing a Simple Song of Essential Freedom

The Likely Final Election Forecast and some general interest stuff because no other title is working when I have Title Block

The Rap-Churr nearing Capture: the twisted path on the way to saving the soul of democracy

All the news I can digest with laxatives

Midterm predictions and the first Election Night scorecard

The Forecast is for Gray with a 70% Chance of the Abyss

Always look on the brighter side of life

Reading signs of the end times. The rear end times.

I have more questions than answers

The Friday Wrap about a Circus Sideshow Freak

Watch today's hearing and understand what authoritarians do

Will the woman win and save a democracy?

The party of Lincoln and Fake Jesus would kill them both again

The 2022 Midterm Senate outlook with 4 weeks to go: cloudy with a chance of goombahs

150 MPH makes Ian almost as destructive as the Roberts' Supreme Court

Ian bears down with bigger threats looming

Faith Based Know Nothings Don't Want you To Read This

Imagination Made Real

The Furor Speaks, exactly as I expected

Lighter and Darker we go

Backwards or Forwards We Go, Pt. 2

Backwards or Forwards We Go, Pt. 1

The Fight for the Soul of the Nation isn't pleasing to the Fascists Losing the Fight

Treason is the Reason for the Seizin'

The Lighter Side of the Apocalypse Beckons


Loans, choices and fake presidents

Heroes and Villainy to live by or die for

Political gems from all over to add some sparkle to your day

I Have Reasons

Boxes and Doxxes on Parade

Tales of a Very Strange Man

The effects of climate change are escalating at a frightening pace

Blurbs and Bits

Below the Law

One more update on the Mar-A-Lago documents

Updates on a document retrieval and old Sleepy Joe

It Appears That More Elected Officials May Be Lawyering Up

If We're Gonna Have a Civil War, This Oughta Help

It's a New World out there today so let us give thanks

Humbuggers all around

Toadies Galore: Addendum

Toadies Galore, with Bloodhounds

Bloody Kansas says no to slavery again


Did somebody send in the clowns?

What is a real leader made of and what are you doing to support any?

Taking off the gloves to slap the Dangerous Dandies with a Passel of Anchovies

When the Crazy Get Crazier, Whatcha Gonna Do?

May the Week's News Rise to Byte You

You have questions?

Just a reminder

The Hit Shows of Summer Are Nearly Over

A Weak Begins Anew

The Weak in Review

Waiting for Goodnews

hE sAiD

The weekend review of the newsies

There's Nothing Wrong

More Musings from my Brain Busy Weekend

Tuesday Muse Day

In Life and Death moments fight the puppeteer

Just trying to help you ketchup with the breaking news

The Committee Calls

Part II: Pardon Moi is the hot new reality show

The Onion went wild yesterday and I'm here for it

Pardon Moi is the hot new reality show

There wasn't much news last week

Stay cool y'all

A new week and a plea for Summer

What were they thinking?

The News Near and Far is making me feel bipolar

"It's Always Something"

Would you look at yourself, America?

Stopping the Trump Steal is not just a 2020 thing as future elections are in jeopardy

The answer my friends is not blowing up children in the wind

Let us begin to resolve the stuff that makes no sense at all

We must fix this. No more excuses.

This newsletter will be brief. I can add nothing to this and it's exceedingly important.

Too many weirdos to cover them all is a problem for well meaning journalists

How many news bites can fit in the head of an observer?

The Sad State of America's Billionaires Needs More Sympathy

It's Time to Shift further away from Liberalism

The Disunited Theocracy is coming to a theater near you, if you want it

If Women Were Human, They Could Have Rights Too

The Supreme Court of the United States isn't

Everything We Need to Know We Learned In The 21st Century Kinder Garden

Bits and Pieces of Random News

It begins with direct responses to the lies and slander that some choose to wallow in

Feed your belly not your head

It seems so hopeless to many

What's up, Vladimir?

The Governor of Texas is trying to create a universe that doesn't exist

There are more questions yet that I'm asking

There are questions we should ask and answers we should know

The Coppers are closing in

Democracy was saved the last time

Because it's Spring

Books Not Mooks

Outrage Fatigue will lose this democracy

Originalism is a pleasant sounding word

Spring Sprang

Cancel this

The Yes Nukem Eight Might Be Maybe Possibly Sane

All the experts weigh in on Ukraine

I have questions

Ukrainian People Should Matter

Vague threats, oil woes and the fight for racial justice continue

Recap of the worst messages of a sad sad week

Energy is essential to a modern society

The Old Notion of Hell is Rather Quaint

The State of the Union is Cloudy With Hairballs

Are you getting accurate info on Putin's War?

Dear Vladimir;

Perspectives and Possibilities in Putin's Brutal War

The reign of Ukraine will be Putin's again

Russia goes all in

Why a European land war is imminent and alarming

Fake claims and protests heavily funded by the top 2% are not democracy

Dear Truckers

Welcome back to the Stream